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number 347
A free spirit. Always seeking the meaning of life. An old soul who represents her zodiac sign of the two fishes, swimming in opposite directions. Life – a small particle of a bigger thing. What is it, I don’t know but we are all part of a higher self. Inspired, creative, imaginative and forever hopeful.
inspired by Deborah Lawrence

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number 340
The women I have loved and longed for and mostly lost! One notable exception! Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha! All the rest, all heartbreak (I love them still!) confusing! All my four-legged friends, those going ‘ARF!’ or ‘MEOW!’ Yet, I am full of the narrative of ‘me’! Despite that hindrance, I am sociable, loyal, loving, lonely & lost.
inspired by Robert Barrer

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number 335
My connection with music art and football, I believe I have a lot of typical male interests, get on better with men than women mostly, I love travel my photography and my dark room. I over analyse every thing, and love my job as an occupational therapist it fills my need to nurture but makes me irritable with folks irrelevant moaning. and I hate chick flicks but love the Godfather.
inspired by Rachel Prescott

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number 334
Well, as an ageing, atheist, anti-capitalist, mainly grumpiness. However, I still enjoy photography as much as when I was a teenager, throughout the years it has been the one constant for me. So oddly, looking at the world through a camera lets me express myself, I might add, unfortunately I have no genuinely artistic talents.
inspired by Trevor Parker