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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 671
Places and People, Worcester, St Mary’s Convent School, St Martin’s Church Choir, Girl Guiding, Loughborough Uni, Towers, Elvyn Richards, Sandwich Kent, Family, my girls, Friends, Cats, Schools, Countryside, The sea.
inspired by Jo Martin

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 670
To answer your question. For me I believe a large part of what makes me, me, is my hair. I’m half Scottish and Irish which has landed me with some pretty red hair which I used to absolutely hate. I hate that it made me different and boys found me ugly for it. It was a tough thing to overcome growing up but I believe it’s taught me some very important lessons such as not valuing what other people think. If my mum had let me dye it when I was younger I don’t think I would have had the same outcome and confidence and self assurance that it has given me now. So that’s a large part of what has made me me.
inspired by Megan Turpie

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 669
What makes me, me. I am 5ft1 of professional daydreamer. But most of that is drive and passion for things that matter most to me. Such as my degree, my sports, making my family and friends proud. I’ve been lucky enough to travel to some inspiring places and do some crazy things. Adrenaline junkie is definitely in my genetics.
inspired by Emily Terrington

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 667
I am not really organised yet I am a perfectionist. I pay attention to the smallest of details and in real life as well small things really matter to me. I empathise with other people instead of quickly judging them. What really makes me/ me is the fact that I have struggled a lot but came out as a braver, stronger and wiser person.
inspired by Isha Shah

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 664
My mum’s Spanish fire and my dad’s quintessential Britishness makes me, being born in London but growing up in Madrid but going to boarding school in the UK and then moving to Cambridge with my family. Never knowing what to say when someone asks me where I’m from.
inspired by Elena Cumming

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 663
What makes me me is purposefully enjoying the little things. Using my mistakes to better myself, generating the confidence to achieve the very most I can.
inspired by Anonymous

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 659
What makes me/ me is being able to express myself through art and colour and nature. I love being outdoors and gaining inspiration from it. I’m a person always wanting to learn and try everything, but learning to slow down and take each day as it comes, almost like a flower doesn’t rush growing.
inspired by Zoe

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 658
What makes me me? I would say if I had to define my answer it would be: a constantly changing flow of creativity. I’m never one thing, confined by one set boundary and directed to act in one set way, I’m emotion and personality all wrapped up and intertwined. Sorry if that isn’t a very solid answer! I’ve always just tried to be as free flowing and spontaneous as possible I guess.
inspired by Luke Brand

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 657
Travel, Germany, England, the Netherlands, eco-living (living sustainably), vegetarian, graphic design, photography, cultured, fashion, partying, friends, family, newcastle, dogs, exploring the outdoors

What i live by…
Live life to the fullest.
Good vibes, good life.
Nobody is perfect.

inspired by Yasmin

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 656
My passion for the arts makes me who I am, being both a designer and a dancer gives me the opportunity to live a creative life! My friends and family also play a big part of who I am.
inspired by Lauran Perkins

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 655
I think what makes me ‘me’ is where I come from, where my family are from and how it has influenced the way in which I have been brought up, with the values and beliefs I hold today :)
inspired by Ellie Sheehan

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 654
What makes me is my persistence to live my best life ever. Keep believing in myself. Going within when needed. Not looking at the outer world, but my inner power.
inspired by Percy Reyes

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 652
If I were to sum up what I thought made me myself, it would be the people that have impacted my life and inspired me to be better, and the experiences Iv been a part of that have changed my perspective. This recent year Iv made it a priority to focus on thing that I am most thankful for instead of being ungrateful for opportunities missed. This has helped to keep me motivated and feel as though I’m moving forward.
inspired by Becky Jordan

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 650
What makes me/me?
I believe that the people I love have contributed to who I am. These people can be family, friends or even characters from TV shows. I unknowingly take pieces of their personalities and incorporate them into what I have accumulated already. I always take it as a compliment when others say that I’m similar to my mum or my closest friend at the time.

inspired by Gemma Shrimpton

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 649
The belief and spontaneity that one day you could just pack everything up and runaway without any cares and no one could stop you. I love this idea that freedom can be something that ties someone down, however it also gives a person never ending creativity.
inspired by Elizabeth Keen

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 648
You’re welcome! I would say the clothes I wear, I always wear something really bright and colourful which reflects my upbeat personality! I also think the music I listen to makes me me, as I’ll listen to different music when I’m in different moods such as jazz when I’m happy, or classical when I’m relaxed. Also, I think what makes me me is the impact I have on other people however big or small that is, whether I’ve done a favour for a family member or friend, done a random act of kindness for a stranger or done some volunteering for my local community.
inspired by Sophie Ellen

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This image is one in a series made in collaboration with Loughborough University.
number 647
What makes me me is what I want to be for others, for example I want to be a good daughter to my mother so I’ll behave like one or I want to be a good friend to my friends so I’ll be have like one..also the perception sometimes of my closest people can define me and behaviours that I feel comfortable with and others appreciate them for example kindness etc..
inspired by Aspasia Arouva