863 Rach (Lizzy) Haynes

In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 863
Helping others find their voice!
Voice is the primary instrument. We all have one and it’s the most immediate way we connect with other people. The singing voice is one the most effective ways to build a connection with others, but also to connect with one’s innermost self!
Singing helped me lose myself when I needed to escape in my childhood, find myself when I broke into adulthood. I lost my voice (figuratively) in recent years when dealing with personal trauma, but found it in different ways, through helping others to find theirs and to heal their voice. Healing others helps to heal me too. Breath, body voice connection is my currently mantra in both my own performing practice and my Singing for Health work.
“Music transcends all and I truly believe it is the farthest-reaching form of communication. Everyone has a musical voice, and it is my mission to help others find theirs” (R Hynes, 2023)
If it helps, I love to sea swim & crochet. I often sing when I am in the sea; most often found at the Pier end of Ayr Beach. Rollerskating is a long term hobby too & I want to roller skate up and down the prom when I get fit enough! 🌷
inspired by Rach (Lizzy) Haynes
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