In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 865 I’m a rocky boy – set me loose on some bouldery beach with some comfortable trainers and I’ll have the time of my life. My brain tidies itself up, I’m free and easy and I’m about as Me as I’ll ever be. inspired by Callum Wallis
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 864 My space & wish to create, my home & farm, my family & dog Ted 💕 A wish for a calmer outlook & slowing down my busy mind A Hygge approach to life & appreciating the simpler things. inspired by Sue Howat
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 863
Helping others find their voice! Voice is the primary instrument. We all have one and it’s the most immediate way we connect with other people. The singing voice is one the most effective ways to build a connection with others, but also to connect with one’s innermost self! Singing helped me lose myself when I needed to escape in my childhood, find myself when I broke into adulthood. I lost my voice (figuratively) in recent years when dealing with personal trauma, but found it in different ways, through helping others to find theirs and to heal their voice. Healing others helps to heal me too. Breath, body voice connection is my currently mantra in both my own performing practice and my Singing for Health work. “Music transcends all and I truly believe it is the farthest-reaching form of communication. Everyone has a musical voice, and it is my mission to help others find theirs” (R Hynes, 2023)
If it helps, I love to sea swim & crochet. I often sing when I am in the sea; most often found at the Pier end of Ayr Beach. Rollerskating is a long term hobby too & I want to roller skate up and down the prom when I get fit enough! 🌷
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 859 A journeyman I was apprentice to, once said to me: son it disnae seem to matter how many times ye get knocked down, yer like a …….. rubber baw, ye jist bounce back. A dinae hink ownithin can keep ye doon inspired by Robert
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 858 Being around family and friends. Having space to creative and appreciate the simple things in life that aren’t materialistic. Being present in the moment and always striving to see the glass half full. inspired by Bonnie Prints
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 857 A combination of curiosity, sensitivity, and an optimistic disposition make me who I am, both as a human and an artist. I find comfort and joy in alchemizing seemingly negative experiences into something lighter and more hopeful. I believe there is beauty in every day experiences if we remain open and curious enough to see them. My connection to nature influences my way of being in the world and in the work I create. It is my aim to evoke this sense of oneness with the Earth in my paintings. inspired by Lara
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 855 Trying to be understanding and kind to others and myself. My imagination and creativity. Feeling healed by being in nature. Making and sharing good food with friends and family. Looking at the world and thinking what can I do to help? inspired by Rebecca McCallum Stapley
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 854 Makes you / YOU? Walt Disney summed things up nicely with his quote “Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever”. Curiosity drives me and classical music inspires me. inspired by Jax
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 853 This is a complicated question for me, I’m very drawn to good and evil within people and how human beings as individuals express that. Whether that’s through art, music, photography anything really. Symbolism is something that is highly important to me, hiding tragic stories in plain sight is something that has really gotten me through some of the worst points in my life through my own photography. It’s my way of nurturing it in a sense, it’s a beautifully complex thing in my eyes. inspired by Mica Ellie Hill
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 852 It’s a really interesting question and one that I ask myself from moment to moment. Who I am is constantly changing and growing but always staying the same. inspired by Christine Sadler
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 851 I live in South Ayrshire I am a recently retired (early) small ships captain I also am a fairly successful amateur artist (Painting) I have a partner of 14 years and three grown up children – thanks inspired by David Tapner
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 850 Doing Art it is a form of Escapism were I leave the problems of life behind, so I’m in my happy place, Human connection with Nature. By using my surroundings in my Art Creations as I live in the forest. I take photos and then transform them into Art from my imagination. inspired by Ness Johnston
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 848 I would say my imagination and weirdness. I’m an odd fellow and that is often reflected in my work, which I like. In everything I do, no matter the project I always try to add my self to it, to make it weird and stand out from the rest. Implant the oddities in my head on to whatever it is I’m making. I don’t wish to blend in with my work, but as a person I enjoy being solitary. inspired by Joost Buis
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 847 I was going to say I’d come back to you about this then I landed on the word procrastination and faith. So I guess I’d say I use my art to heal & rebuild/maintain strength primarily through procrastination and faith. I’m really interested in Art as Therapy, more so since having cancer. That probably best explains what makes me ‘me’ currently. inspired by Hazel King
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 845 What makes me, me? In work and play, I give 100% of myself. I’m fiercely protective and caring of my family. I’m passionate about my art, wild swimming, and music. Each of these provide peace, joy and a feeling of belonging in this world in their own different ways. My art practice is intuitive, using semi- abstract/abstract mixed media and collage to express the feelings I experience when swimming or walking in the landscapes in Ayrshire and beyond. My mind becomes quiet when painting, I lose track of time and live in the moment. I can’t imagine doing anything else. inspired by Lesley
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 840 Wow….. what makes me me … ?! My life experiences and the great friendships and family I have who have been there throughout. My painting is my communication of that in vibrant colours saying things I can’t always put into words, sharing my love of all I have in my life xx. inspired by Ruth Scott
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 839 What makes me, me is: Being an artist and my love of colour, shape and pattern. The more clashing, the better. Making pieces that provide a little spark of joy. Being a loving and caring person (mother/wife/friend/teacher/sister/daughter) Sense of fun – love dancing and laughter. Determined – when I have a goal, I work hard to achieve it. Friendly/sensitive/colourful and…love a nap. inspired by Laura Lightbody
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 838
Community I’m luck to have a great community around me in my family and friends who are the greatest supporters and make my life better.
My passions Other than the important people in my life, I am passionate about striving to be the best version of myself and helping others to do the same. Life can be hard but life is also short, I’m trying to make it a good one.
I love nothing more than doing yoga outside in nature, on the beach followed by a dip in the sea! + Yoga helps me in so many ways and in so many aspects of my life. It is not just about the poses (asanas) but the principles to live by, the importance of the breath (pranayama) and mindful compassion.
Showing kindness and compassion to myself and others are key values in my life that make me, me.
Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” ― Desmond Tutu
In collaboration with Narture, they bake bread to earn the dough to fund arts projects.
number 837 What makes me/me is the thought for others after nursing for 36 years, my wide mix of interests allowing me to interact with many people and chat and find out more about them and their lives. inspired by Stephen McGibbon